Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Food For Thought

I think the purpose of this group project is to explore the linkages between the many different financial markets and instruments that we see every day. We should probably choose some instruments and/or markets that interest us.

One possible topic is: interest rates vs. value of the dollar vs. export rates. What i mean is: maybe we should hypothesize that low interest rates have an x% impact on export. That may be proven through the transitive principle. For instance: when interest rates are reduced, the value of the dollar declines, and when the value of the dollar declines, us exporters increase move more product and create x additional profit.

In order to find a few relevant discussions of this type we may want to do some research on economic of finance college theses. As i mentioned earlier, it is important to back up any analyses with news stories and articles illustrating our point.

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